Author Archives: SMExO IVS - Page 2

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“Platform for it-specialister vil turbodigitalisere virksomheder”

"I dag er det først og fremmest SMV'erne, der har taget os til sig. De har behov for at få løst nogle problemer, som ikke bliver håndteret i dag. For…
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What digital skills and competencies do you need – and how to get it?

SMEs typically can't afford nor attract top notch experts with crucial value creating skills to become employees. And no matter how talented your employees are, chances are that many of…
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How Digital Transforms Innovation Strategy

The business world is experiencing a major attack on traditional business models due to radical technological innovation. Recently, Boston Consulting Group published an interesting article describing results of their research…
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Regeringens Digitaliseringsplan

Regeringens Strategi for Danmarks Digitale Vækst Nu har regeringen lanceret sin længe ventede plan for brug af digitalisering til at fremme den økonomiske vækst. Planen har 6 indsatsområder, hvoraf de…
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Entrepreneur! Are these your traits?

Elon Musk is the great entrepreneur behind Tesla, Solar City, and SpaceX. Peter Diamandis from Singularity University has known him for 17 years and he finds that Elon Musk´s success…
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Vækst, digitalisering og disruption

Rundspørge blandt SMVer om digitalisering. Der tales meget om at væksten er tilbage, men i det store og hele er der for lidt eller ingen vækst i danske SMVer, og…
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Become An ExO

EXO! WHAT IS IT? WHAT DO EXOs DO? CAN I DO IT? Translation: SkyViewCRM e-book No. 18, copyright SkyViewCRM   YOUR CHALLENGE How does your company become an ExO? THE…
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What do you want to accomplish in life – what to you want to accomplish with your business?

  Click above and spend 20 min. with Peter Diamadis in this thought-provoking video. What is your Massive Transformative Purpose that will impact 1 billion people? What is your Moonshot…
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I SMExO IVS vil vi udvikle en e-læringsløsning for SMV-ledere. Hvis du er ejerleder, ansat direktør eller bestyrelsesmedlem i en SMV, så kan du hjælpe ved at deltage i en…
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Julegaveønske nr. 2 til SMV-lederen

"Disrupt dit Mindset og få succes med Big Data" er skrevet af Pernille Rydén, Torsten Ringberg og Per Østergaard Jacobsen "Danmark er det mest digitaliserede land i EU og nr.…
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