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Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /customers/a/4/4/ on line 502

Why you should have an MTP (Massive Transformative Purpose)

"Langley has found that when organizations take a deep look at themselves and discover they don’t have a massive, transformative purpose, they’ll begin reaching for things that will allow them…
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Kan din virksomhed blive en ExO?

I denne e-bog får du en orientering om ExOer - Exponentielt voksende organisationer. Hvad er de? Hvad gør de? Og kan din virksomhed også vokse hurtigt? Læs videre og download…
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Empower your employees: The fourth dimension of digital transformation

At a ASNET Board (1) seminar in September on digitalization, Tete Mensa-Annan Director Microsoft Technology Center gave a great presentation on the four dimensions of digital transformation as they apply to…
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Optimize your operations: The third of four dimensions of digital transformation

At a ASNET Board (1) seminar in September on digitalization, Tete Mensa-Annan Director Microsoft Technology Center gave a great presentation on the four dimensions of digital transformation as they apply to…
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Human Population & Technology

The exponential growth of human population since the 18th century is one of the main drivers behind the present accelerating technology development because millions of scientists, engineers, IT specialists, entrepreneurs,…
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The 6D Framework

The exponential development rate of technology transforms products and services, disrupts industries. Singularity University uses a "6D Framework" to put this into context. This framework is explained in their recently…
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Transform your products: Another of the four dimensions of digital transformation

At a recent ASNET Board (1) seminar on digitalization, Tete Mensa-Annan Director Microsoft Technology Center gave a great presentation on the four dimensions of digital transformation as they apply to most…
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Engage your customers: One of the four dimensions of digital transformation.

At a recent ASNET Board (1) seminar on digitalization, Tete Mensa-Annan Director Microsoft Technology Center gave a great presentation on the four dimensions of digital transformation as they apply to most…
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MTP – What’s in it for me – an SME?

Whether you are a service provider, Original Equipment Manufacturer or a software platform builder it may be wise not only to look at what your service or product does but…
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Why should you as an SME-manager take Disruption seriously?

There is a lot of talk about the threat of Disruption - but often few facts, figures and hard data. SkyViewCRM has made en effort to collect facts and data…
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